Kayoeh@the jungle

Ontheller community, Band of Bikers, at Duri Region

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Track Baru dan draft acara

Berikut rancangan kegiatan DuBic 2006 - 2007
1.Regular Exercises Regularly conduct exercises as follows:
- Saturday @07:00: all
members, will be divided
into 2 groups. Short track and Long track
- Tuesday @16:30: all members
- Wednesday @ 16:30: long tract (expert only)
- Thursday @16:30: all members
2. Tour de Duri Open for public. As our concern to the surrounding community. Fun bike to orphanage & conduct social activities
3. Biker Class and Clinic
1). Regular Bicycle maintenance
2). Bike cleaning
3). Chain cleaning
4). Derailleur and Brake adjustment
5). Brake & derailleur cable maintenance & repair
6). Diagnosing problems
7). Emergency field repairs
8). Bicycle upgrade
Workshop: Invite experts from the Indonesian Bicycle Club Association / Bike Vendors / etc
4. MTB Tournament
1. Tournament among Club members.
2. Participate by sending members the MTB PetroCup tournament
3. Inter District MTB Tournament Hosting Inter PT CPI MTB Club Tournament. Invite Rumbai and Dumai Clubs
4. Quarterly Family FUN BIKE Family Fun bike among Club's members
5. Bike to Work Every Tuesday / Thursday / Friday