Kayoeh@the jungle

Ontheller community, Band of Bikers, at Duri Region

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Rute: Danau Bawah dan Danau Atas

Rute 5:

Gate Sormin -> Talang -> Elephant Cross -> Sewage treating plan ->
muddy path arround the lagoon ->
heli port -> down to Krakatau -> crawl  to Dempo ->
main office -> Lab -> Seulawah reservoir -> Seulawah -> gate4

It's about 15 - 16 km long route very minimal climb + extra mud to color your bike dudes

Additional addictive route for those who like:
Gate 3 -> Jln. Tribrata -> Jln. Jati -> Jln. Aman -> Gate 4
It's climb and climb mania route all on hot mix asphat road, the hardtailers will enjoy this

about 4 km with sweat

It's always fun to ride but please consider your readiness to face climb challenge

Bagi kawan-kawan yang memang sudah berpengalaman menangani rute jauh, additional addictive route
Sangat  dianjurkan bagi new biker untuk memilih rute pendek dulu untuk exercise


    Wijaya J.D.B, H.E. Computing Support - IT/UTC


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